Panax ginsenosides
Main Active Compounds:
Ginsenosides Rb1, Rg1
Systematic Review:
P. notoginseng plays a role in improving the local blood supply, stimulating circulation to end stasis, it possesses the effect of dilation of cerebral blood vessels, changes hemorheological characteristic,prevents thrombosis and promotes fibrinolysis (1).
Clinical Trials:
"RG could be an attractive herbal dietary supplement for relieving menopausal symptoms and conferring favorable effects on markers of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women." (136).
"Three (3) months' treatment with Korean Red Ginseng did not improve arterial stiffness in subjects with hypertension." (137).
Peer Review:
Ginsenosides can inhibit ROS production, stimulate NO production, increase blood circulation, ameliorate vasomotor tone, and adjust lipid profi le. Additionally, many studies indicate that ginsenosides have a multitude of activities in both physiological and/or pathologic conditions concerning with CVD.
Experimental Research:
Ginsenosides prevent free radicals from damaging cardiac muscle cells
2 main active ginsenosides: protopanaxdiol Rb1 and protopanaxatriol Rg1.
Rb1 and Rg1 protect heart muscle by regulation of cAMP/cGMP values. One of the factors that leads to remediation of cardiac arrhythmia.
Taking excess calcium will cause blood vessels to tense up and contract and increase blood pressure, and thus increase the chance of a heart attack. There are calcium channel blockers drugs one can take (CCBs) which relax blood vessels and decrease blood pressure (8). Rg1 selectively counters blood vessel constriction caused by calcium ions, it is a natural calcium channel blocker.
Calcium Channel Blockers and Nitrates (for NO production) help prevent angina and high blood pressure. (138).
Rb1 and Rg1 increased vessel dialation that is endothelial cell dependent by activating nitric oxide and also regulates L-arginine and the PI3K/Akt/eNOS pathway in the endothelium cells.
Peer Review References by
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External research may be publically accessed through academic databases:
Pubmed, Medlink, Academic Search Premier, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, etc.
The following investigations had drug development and possible clinical use of Panax ginseng in mind. Elipulse(R) is a natural health product supplement that does not aim to treat or cure diseases, but rather utilize the limited, beneficial effects of Panax ginsenosides to benefit its users in a meaningful, productive way.
These statements has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. However, these very recent findings may explain the pharmacological mechanisms behind Panax ginseng. This collection of findings do not represent all findings currently available at this time but only a small portion.
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